DV Survivor Stories

18 years-old | July 19, 2005 – May 6, 2023 Abuse lasted: 2-3 years Love wasn’t enough to stop the abuse… Meet Genesys Rice, a beautiful 18 year-old from Greenville, S.C. and full of life. She just recently landed a great job with Spectrum and was excited about moving

22 years-old | March 28, 1999 – June 25, 2021 VICTIM Abuse lasted: 2-4 years. When all you can do is just remember the good times. Meet Kerra Hauser, born on March 28th. 1999 in East Bend, NC. She loved to love, and because of that she was loved

Abuse lasted: 1 year | April 1, 1979 – November 26, 2006 27 years old Warning, this case discusses murder and domestic violence. Sherri was described as very smart, athletic, loved animals, and loved to dance and that’s why she navigated to cheerleading when she was in high school.

Abused since childhood Age: Unknown I was a product of a broken home, meaning my childhood was the direct result of parents who also came from broken situations. My dad was the son of a wandering trucker, and my mom was the illegitimate child of a small-town farmer back

A Rebound to a Rude Revelation Abuse lasted: 4.5 years. Age: 63 I was fresh out of college. My “boyfriend” and I couldn’t quite keep the relationship going in the positive direction. We had tried to get things right since high school, but to no avail. The final interchange

Abused for 15 years Age: 66 I was in high school when I met my ex, and he was in the U.S. Navy. He was a very sweet and caring young man at the time. We were just two nuts that thought they were in love. Two individuals that

Abused for 8 years Age: 41 I was with my wife for 8 years. I used to do everything I could for her. I paid off her debts, bills and purchased a new car for her. But I soon learnt that nothing would ever be enough for her. The

Abused for 2 years Age: 41 Before coming out of my situation, I thought that domestic violence was only physical abuse. Now, I have a better understanding that the physical manifestation is simply evidence of emotional and psychological abuse. Domestic violence includes so many things like manipulation and threats,

Abused for 9 years. Age: 57 I Lived in a nightmare for nine years! Hi my name is Mary and this is my story. I moved to Alabama from Detroit in 2012 and met Marcus three months into settling into my new life. I had no family and my

Abused for 13 years. Age: 36 His behavior changed rapidly. I know I should have recognized it, but when you’re inside a situation it’s hard to get perspective. One day my daughter called me crying saying my ex had threatened to hit her in the head with a hammer.

Abused for 11 years. Age: 36 In my case, it started as verbal abuse. I’d known my partner for over 5 years and he was a good person, I thought. He started changing around 2017. After his mother died, he bought several guns and weapons, including a machete and